Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat
Many islands in the EU are ready for the transition to sustainably produced green energy and have already taken some structural steps. Other islands are still at the very beginning or are still in the starting blocks and have only started to think beyond their transition plans and energy strategies towards design and implementation. All stakeholders are supported by the EU islands secretariat in their plans and decarbonization phases.
Using an explore, shape & act action-oriented approach, islands will be provided with targeted support to reach the next phase of their clean energy transition and successfully navigate their decarbonization journey in a focused manner. It will also provide tailored technical support, a digital marketplace to bring together investors and technology providers, a think tank to discuss legal and regulatory barriers, a project website to showcase success stories and challenges, and the Clean energy for EU islands forum to disseminate the initiative and the needs of European islands.
As a project partner, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supports the dissemination and communication of the project activities and results, including press releases, podcasts, video campaigns, the organization of web seminars, workshops and conferences.
Further information:
- Funding: European Commission
- Funding budget for all partners: 1.7 M EUR
- Participating countries: Belgium, Germany, Portugal
- Duration: 02/2021 - 02/2023
In February 2023 a further proposal of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum and partners was approved.
- Funding: European Commission
- Funding budget für all partners: 5 Mio. EUR
- Participating countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Portugal
- Duration: 02/2023 - 02/2027
View project
Further links
Clean Energy Transition Agenda
Keywords: Islands, renewable energy, clean energy transformation
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