Making our workforce fit for the factory of the future (FIT4FoF)
Digital technologies are already posing immense challenges to companies and their workforce in the manufacturing sector. Both advancing globalisation and the increased development and use of future technologies impose completely new requirements on employers and employees in Europe. Within the framework of FIT4FoF, future challenges and the best adaptation of workers' skills and abilities have been examined. Based on a comprehensive trend analysis, about 100 job profiles have been identified that will gain importance for successful industry 4.0 companies in the future. Based on these, project partners were designing tailor-made training and further education programmes and testing them in pilot applications in large companies and (clusters of) SMEs.
As project partner, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum was responsible for the identification and analysis of Industry 4.0 trends; the development of a network of initiatives, companies and employers as well as network management; the support for pilot projects in partner companies with employee training for industry 4.0 applications.
Further information:
- Project name acronym: FIT4FoF
- Funding: European Commission, Horizon 2020
- Funding budget for all partners: 1,6 Mio EUR
- Participating Countries: Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain
- Project duration: 10/2018 - 12/2021
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Further links
Making our workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future | European Cluster Collaboration Platform
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