Hydrogen High-pressure supply chain for innovative and cost efficient distribution (HYGHER)

HYGHER is an innovative project in the area of hydrogen mobility. Building upon the successful COSMHYC-project series (cosmhyc.eu). HYGHER aims to implement an accelerated, cost-efficient, and improved supply chain for hydrogen as a fuel source. With partners from industry and research the goal is the installation of two hydrogen filling stations in the region of Paris with access from two TEN-T corridors.  Here it is important to build on the success of the COSMHYC-project series and to establish a sustainable, safe and efficient supply chain suitable to the end-consumers’ needs.

The European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER, Germany) coordinates the project and will assess the economic performance of the demonstrated value chain. Two innovative SMEs will manufacture the main sub-components: EIFHYTEC, a French start-up, will manufacture a thermo-chemical compressor to compress hydrogen at the production site. RECOMA, an Italian trailers integrator, will produce two high-pressure trailers featuring novel cascading concepts for optimised filling and unloading.  Steinbeis Europa Zentrum is responsible of dissemination, exploitation and communication activities and is supporting the coordination.

As part of the Europeans Commissions Clean Hydrogen Partnership HYGHER is awarded with funding which is used to revolutionize every aspect of a hydrogen filling stations supply chain. Part of this program are also several other hydrogen projects supported by the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum like H2GLASS, MOST-H2 and many more.

Project goals:

  • Fast, reliable and safe distribution of hydrogen as fuel
  • Saving costs for the compression and thus overall, at the hydrogen filling station

Further Information:

  • Project name: HYdroGen High pressure supply chain for innovative and cost Efficient distRibution (HYGHER)
  • Funding: European Commission; Horizon Europe, Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Funding for all partners: 5 million EUR
  • Participating countries: France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia
  • Project duration: 01/2024 – 12/2026

Learn more about the projects COSMHYC, MOSTH2 and H2Glass:

Demonstration von Wasserstoffkompressionslösungen (COSMHYC DEMO) - Steinbeis DE (steinbeis-europa.de)

Effiziente Wasserstoffspeicherung durch Adsorption mit neuen metall-organischen Frameworks (MOST-H2) - Steinbeis DE (steinbeis-europa.de)

Wasserstofftechnologien zur Dekarbonisierung der Glas- und Aluminiumindustrie (H2GLASS) - Steinbeis DE (steinbeis-europa.de)


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Keywords: Hydrogen, hydrogen filling stations, supply chain, hydrogen mobility, green hydrogen, hydrogen compression, hydrogen storage

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Dr. Marie-Eve Reinert
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Dr. Marie-Eve Reinert

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