Carbon Capture and Storage as a driver for decarbonizing (COREu)
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a necessary driver for decarbonising the economy in Europe. The Horizon Europe project COREu will set the path for a successful expansion of CCS technology and brings together over 40 key partners from industry and science.
As a project partner Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supports one of the largest research and innovation projects in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) ever funded by a European programme.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum is responsible for the work package “Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation” and aims to contribute to building positive momentum for CCS across the EU by mobilizing key stakeholders, i.e. beyond the consortium, and creating an innovative framework for shared commitment leading to accelerated deployment of safe, sustainable and resilient pathways for CCS in Europe.
COREu aims to establish an openly accessible, cross-border infrastructure and logistics network for CCS, connecting emitters and storage sites across Europe. Its main objectives include:
- Accelerate CCS deployment by demonstrating safe and effective CO2 transport and storage
- Increase the TRL of the CCS technologies developed
- Define economically viable, societal- and environmentally-aware business models for a sustainable upscaling of CCS deployment
COREu will develop critical technologies for the entire CCS value chain, including innovative tanks for transporting CO2, simulation tools for estimating reservoir capacity and injection rates, and subsea autonomous vehicles for monitoring CO2 leakages. Four routes will be established in the following regions: Prinos/Kavala in Greece, South Moravia in the Czech Republic, Baltic/Gdansk in Poland and Western Ukraine. COREu will also initiate emitter clusters that promote demand and business rationale for investments in CCS.
The consortium of more than 40 partners features a broad set of competencies: emitters, technology providers, gas transmission system operators, oil and gas companies, research institutes and universities from Norway, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Cyprus, Slovenia, the UK and Germany. The expertise that the partners bring to CCS from these different sectors will enable the creation of a framework that contributes to the expansion of CCS.
Further information:
- Project funding: European Commission, Horizon Europe
- Funding budget for all partners: 29.3 million EUR
- Project duration: 01/2024 – 12/2027
- Participating countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, U.K
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