HealthMeeting global challenges with innovation

By supporting research and innovation, the European Commission helps to address urgent global health challenges. Both the fight against disease and the reduction of the burden of disease are of importance. There is thus a specific need for new diagnostic methods, vaccines, therapies and effective approaches to disease prevention and treatment, with a focus on infectious diseases as well as non-communicable and rare diseases.

Novel instruments, technologies and digital solutions for health and care need to be developed, tested and transferred into clinical practice. Artificial intelligence-based technologies are well suited to analyse large amounts of health data. They hold great potential to advance biomedical research, personalised medicine and healthcare.

The European Commission encourages cross-sectoral and international collaboration. This is made possible through access to world-class research infrastructures, the interplay of basic, clinical and translational research to drive the development of innovative services and digital solutions for society.

Would you like to advance your projects in the field of health?

Please feel free to contact us for a personal meeting or take a look at our services, our funding database and various events.

Success Stories HealthRead more about our successfull clients

Healthcare of the future: digital, intelligent, and personalized

Success Story

Microarray technology for personalised medicine

Success Story

EU-funded research project leads to founding of company

Success Story

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    Contact us!

    Dr. Katharina Böhm
    Dr. Alena Bubeck
    Dr. Lena Schleicher
    Contact us

    Contact us!

    Dr. Katharina Böhm
    Dr. Alena Bubeck
    Dr. Lena Schleicher

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