Preventing and combating diseases, personalised medicine, new diagnostic methods and therapies as well as digital solutions for health and care are the topics in which we support our customers. Did you know that we are the number one company for EU projects in Germany, with 150 project participations in Horizon2020 und Horizon Europe? Be part of the next project! We assist you in acquiring substantial funding and connecting you with excellent innovation partners across Europe.
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EU-FUNDING TOPICSThe EU is funding Health
Are you planning an innovative project in the fields of health and medicine? If so, you have excellent prospects of securing EU funding with our support. Our expertise will significantly enhance your chances of submitting a successful EU proposal.
To address global health challenges, the EU promotes cross-sectoral and international cooperation in research and innovation. This is made possible by access to first-class research infrastructures and the integration of basic, clinical, and translational research, all aimed at advancing the development of innovative services and digital solutions for society.
The focus is on combating diseases and reducing the overall burden of disease. There is an urgent need for new diagnostic methods, vaccines, therapies, and effective approaches to disease prevention and treatment, particularly for infectious as well as non-communicable and rare diseases.
Innovative tools, technologies, and digital solutions for healthcare are being developed, tested, and integrated into clinical practice. Artificial intelligence-based technologies have shown great promise in analyzing large volumes of health data, holding significant potential for advancing biomedical research, personalised medicine, and healthcare.
Ready to advance your projects in the field of health? Please contact us for a personal consultation.
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