W4RES meets the Energy community of Gallese

In the framework of W4RES , APRE (Italian HUB manager) organizes a two-day visit to the energy community of Gallese (few kilometers nearby Rome, in Viterbo). This community is involved in another EU Funded project, ReDREAM, provided free monitoring and installation devices for users.
The event will be divided into two parts.
Monday, 30th (afternoon). After the arrival in Gallese - more information about it are collected in the Information sheet - we'll visits the plants with managers of the energy community, who will show the structures they have and the solutions adopted to maximize electricity revenues.
Tuesday, 31st (morning). A workshop will take place, with international guests from the sector, to discuss about policies and technologies that must be applied in this sector. The workshop will also address the issues of the employment of women in the RHC sector (core business of W4RES), the policies related to the implementation of energy communities and the mutual exchange of advice and best practices between professionals in the sector.
The event is open to:
- SMEs
- policy makers
- citizens
- researchers
- existing/potential energy communities
We are glad to welcome participants from all over Europe, any travel expenses of participants will be reimbursed by W4RES after the event. However, as there are only limited resources, this is a ‘first come first serve’ offer.
After the subscription to the Registration form (madatory to partecipate), you will receive the Reimbursment information.
For any furhter information, please contact:
Serena Fabbrini (Communication manager, APRE), fabbrini@apre.it
Lorenzo Giannetti (Junior Communication manager, APRE), giannetti@apre.it
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- E-Mail: vipul.sarnot@steinbeis-europa.de