mySMARTLife Final Conference - Smart People - Smart Economy - Smart Cities
After a one-year extension of the project duration, the Smart Cities and Communities project mySMARTLife is finalised at the end of September 2022. The consortium would like to share its experiences and results and cordially invites you to come to Lighthouse City Hamburg (Germany) to join the Final Conference on 14-15 September 2022.
You can expect two days packed with results, lessons learned and site visits – interesting, informative and interactive!
The mySMARTLife Final Conference has a two-pronged approach – the first day focuses on the successful interventions of mySMARTLife and the activities in the Lighthouse Cities Nantes and Helsinki. A special focus of the first day will be on knowledge transfer to engage with the representatives of the mySMARTLife Cities Network.
The second day will be hands-on and on-site – exploring and learning about the interventions in Hamburg, the third Lighthouse City in mySMARTLife, in their demo-site Bergedorf. Do not miss this opportunity and make a note in your calendar.
Not able to attend the event on-site? Our programme on Day 1 will also be streamed live from the mySMARTLife YouTube Channel. Click here.
All information about the preliminary agenda and content can be found here.
Register hereOrt
Day #1: City Hall of Hamburg
Day #2: City Hall of Bergedorf, Hamburg
Participation is free of charge.