Cooperation and Networking Open your mind

Visit interesting events and seminars and take the chances for networking! We are experts for eventmanagement and bring innovators together.

05.11. - 07.11.2024

The Smart Cities Marketplace team is happy to announce that we are again part of the Smart City Expo World Congress, the world’s biggest and most influential event for cities and urban innovation, which will take place from 5-7 November 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.

The Smart Cities Marketplace on behalf of the European Commission is coordinating this year’s joint EC representation of numerous partners such as initiatives, projects, and DGs at the Smart Cities Expo World Congress.

06.11. - 09.11.2024


Sei dabei und lerne die Kultur- und Kreativszene in Shanghai kennen. Die Reverse Mission Shanghai ermöglich den DC-Mitgliedern und interessierten Stakeholdern, Shanghai während eines mehrtägigen Programms kennenzulernen und Einblicke in die Kreativszene sowie in innovative Projekte zu erhalten.

19.11. - 20.11.2024

Save the Date After four years of dedicated work, FUSILLI is now approaching its final stages. The consortium would like to share its experiences and results, and invites you to join the FUSILLI Final Conference on 19th -20th of November 2024.

Contact us!

Olga Marschalek
Hanna Schäfer
Contact us

Contact us!

Olga Marschalek
Hanna Schäfer

Customer references