Mission: Cancer (Horizon Europe)


The goal of the Mission on Cancer is to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. The objectives include: Understand; Prevent what is preventable; Optimise diagnostics and treatment; Support quality of life; Ensure equitable access in all aforementioned areas. The Mission on Cancer will address all cancers including poorly-understood cancers in men and women, cancers in children, adolescents and young adults as well as in the elderly, cancers in socio-economically vulnerable populations, living in either cities, rural or remote areas, across all Member States and Associated countries.

The Mission on Cancer is implemented using a health-in-all policies approach; through infrastructure support; regional, social and citizen community development; through investments; support and commitments from public and private sources, including from Member States, Associated countries and industry; through cooperation with third countries; and through synergies with other existing EU programmes including EU4HEALTH, EURATOM, Digital Europe, Erasmus+, the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027 and other initiatives related to cancer.

It also relates to the European Green Deal, including the Farm to Fork strategy. The mission proposes research and policy directions and objectives to identify effective strategies for the development and implementation of cancer prevention, including on environmental factors (e.g. exposure to workplace carcinogens, air pollution, unhealthy diet, nutrition and low physical activity).

Furthermore, it is also in line with the industrial and digitalisation strategy. The mission proposes a further upscaling and digitalisation of services, innovation in diagnostics and interventions, and establishing living labs, contributing to the positive impact of efforts by industry and SMEs on the health of citizens. Envisaged opportunities are in the fields of: cancer biomarkers; cloud computing and digital applications, smart apps/sensors. The mission also supports the integration of AI, machine learning and deep learning approaches to facilitate a better understanding of cancer, to improve prevention screening and early detection, diagnosis, clinical decision-making, administration of combinational therapies, and clinical management of patients living with and after cancer.

Calls for proposals under this mission should contribute to setting out a credible pathway for implementing the Mission on Cancer, thereby contributing to mission objectives.

Proposals for topics under this Mission should set out a credible pathway to improving Cancer control, and more specifically to all of the following impacts:

  • Improve understanding of the development of cancer in the context of the environment, work, and lifestyle in the broadest possible sense,
  • Enhance cross-policy cancer prevention strategies,
  • Optimise the diagnostics and treatment of cancer based on the principle of equitable access,
  • Improve the quality of life of cancer patients, survivors and their families through widely analysing all key factors and needs that are related to the quality of life,
  • Accelerate the digital transformation of research, innovation and health systems.

The implementation plan specifies the goal and four main objectives as well as implementation details of the Mission on Cancer.

Call topics mit der Einreichungsfrist 18.09.2024

Gesamtbudget: 119 MEUR

Vollen Text des Arbeitsprogramms "Missions" (2023-2024) finden Sie hier.

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Dr. Katharina Böhm
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Dr. Katharina Böhm
