Mission: 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 (HORIZON EUROPE)
Mission: 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030
Climate neutrality for cities is associated with important co-benefits and urban qualities such as reduced air and noise pollution, improved health and well-being, reduced urban environmental footprints, enhanced urban greening, reduced soil sealing and improved water management. It is also associated with policy coherence across sectors and with participatory and inclusive decision-making. Therefore, in addition to a significant contribution to the objective of the European Green Deal to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050, the actions funded will also contribute to the UN Agenda 2030, the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan, the Fit for 55 strategy, the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, the EU Industrial Strategy, the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and the New European Bauhaus initiative. In the process, they will support cities in their twin green and digital transformation.
Topics under the 2023-2024 calls will continue to work on developing and scaling up R&I activities and solutions while fostering synergies and joint actions with Horizon Europe Partnerships as well as other EU Missions.
Call topics mit der Einreichungsfrist 11.02.2025:
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-01: Rethinking urban spaces towards climate neutrality
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-02: Zero-pollution cities
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-03: Mobility Management Plans and Behavioural Change
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-04: Integrated peri-urban areas in the transition towards climate neutrality
Budget: 98 MEUR
Vollen Text des Arbeitsprogramms " Missions and Cross-cutting Activities" (2023-2025) finden Sie hier.
Name des Förderprogramms
Horizon EuropeBudget
98 MEURAbgabe
11.02.2025Kontaktieren Sie uns!

- Tel: +49 711 2524 2037
- E-Mail: regine.wehner@steinbeis-europa.de
Kontaktieren Sie uns!

- Tel: +49 711 2524 2037
- E-Mail: regine.wehner@steinbeis-europa.de