Proholz NordschwarzwaldStrategies for Cluster ProHolz Nordschwarzwald

In 2020, Steinbeis 2i supported four cluster initiatives in their strategy development as part of the ClusterAgency Baden-Württemberg: Modell Hohenlohe, CNS Nutzfahrzeuge, ProHolz Nordschwarzwald and Packaging Valley.
The core of the activity was to match internal competences with external necessities and influencing factors in order to subsequently define priorities for further development. The analysis by Steinbeis 2i took a close look at future topics and uncovered possible competence gaps. On this basis, the cluster initiatives were able to take appropriate measures to position themselves strategically well for the future.
„"After the call from the cluster agency and the offer to conduct a competence analysis of our cluster proHolz Schwarzwald, we were right away interested. In several we were able to use various tools to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the companies located in the cluster region and then compare them with current trends in the industry. This allowed us to better classify the existing competences and reveal any pent-up demand for the region.”“
Elias Wahl, Cluster manager proHolz SchwarzwaldKontaktieren Sie uns!

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