Island of BorkumSmart energy storage and energy management

The EU project NETfficient developed storage technologies for renewable energies and their intelligent use on the North Sea island of Borkum. In addition to a large-scale battery at medium-voltage level, packages of measures were developed for a wide range of applications, including individual households, public buildings, street lighting and temperature control of the seawater aquarium. In addition to Li-ion batteries, a hydrogen storage system, waste batteries from electric cars and ultracapacitors are used. The energy management platform links the decentralised storage and PV systems into a virtual power plant to increase local self-consumption and offer system services. Interested parties and experts were given an impression of the various test scenarios during a visit to a virtual showroom.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum played a key role in supporting the development of business models and the business plan. One focus was on disseminating the project results via webinars, study visits and a publication on the project results, which was published in January 2019. Steinbeis Europa Zentrum also performed administrative and financial project management, communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project results, and supported the market launch.
NETfficient was funded by the European Commission the European Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020, under the “Societal Challenge of Low Carbon Energy" with almost nine million euros. The consortium was composed of 13 renowned research institutions, large companies, SMEs and municipalities from seven European countries. The coordinator was Ayesa from Spain.
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